Thought Constellations Healing
[ available as in-person or distance sessions ]
This modality works with neural pathways and cellular memory in the body to target conditioned thoughts, patterns and memories that still live in your body and affect your emotional, mental, and physical health. It works primarily with the brain, the womb space, and the fascia system. Opening the energetic doorways and employing special tools for activating “thought constellations” in your body, we focus on clearing those thoughts and beliefs so you can remove blocked energy, gain insight and move forward in your life. There is often soul retrieval and inner child work that occurs during this healing as well.
This modality is ideal for those with trauma, high ACE scores, persistent negative beliefs or patterns (even if you intellectually already have an understanding of them), those with trust issues or low sense of self-worth, and for anyone who still has the underlying feeling that they are simply “wrong” in the world.
This is a three session modality. In the first session (1 hour), we uncover patterns and histories to be brought up for healing through intuitive inquiry and somatics. Our somatic work in this session is especially important as we locate the “thought constellations” in your body. In the second session (90 minutes), the actual healing takes place. In the third session (1 hour), a week or so after the healing, we focus on integration.
[ origin: I have been channeling and developing this modality since 2017 ]
Those who want to work with me further after this modality will be able to use the “previous client” pricing on one-on-one work. Those who have gone through the initial full initiation can also receive singular healing sessions afterwards.