Ora North is a published author with New Harbinger Publications/Reveal Press, spiritual teacher and shamanic practitioner, and mental health advocate. While very involved in the spiritual community for the last 15 years, North does not subscribe to the “love and light” or “good vibes only” mentality that can often whitewash or bypass the very real struggles of the marginalized. Because of this, her focus is on shadow work, and promoting the acceptance and validation of all of our feelings, not just the positive ones, as tools for growth. She believes trauma is an opening for healing and evolution, and to safely facilitate that passage, she guides people to connect their physical, emotional, psychological, and energetic selves into the process, with an emphasis on working with the natural world. She has experience and training in multiple healing traditions and mystery schools, and is always integrating those skills with real-world practicality and research. She is the author of I Don’t Want to Be an Empath Anymore, Mood Magick, The Empath’s Guided Journal, and the upcoming Shadow Work for Core Wounds. She always has her hands in personal creative projects, whether it’s fiction writing, poetry, interior design projects, music, photography, or divination studies.
Astro profile: Leo sun, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio Rising
Human Design: Manifestor
Enneagram: 4