-CG Jung
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
Ora North’s books I Don’t Want To Be An Empath Anymore (also available in Russian and Korean languages), Mood Magick (also available in Russian language), and The Empath’s Guided Journal, are available at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Indiebound, and local bookstores near you.
sensitive: the community
Join a private membership community for empaths, HSPs, neurodivergent and witchy folks. Find support in monthly classes, Q&As, prompts to take yourself deeper in your self-discovery, and community. Big feelings are at home here.
healing sessions
Work with Ora one-on-one for shamanic healing sessions that help clear and heal and bring lasting transformation. Available in person or as distance sessions.
coaching sessions
Sometimes we just need a little one-on-one support to figure ourselves out and find a way forward, especially when diving into shadow work. Sessions take place over Zoom.
As an empath, your sensitivity can be a rich and beautiful gift. You’re more acutely aware of the subtleties in life, and a glorious sunset or a painting can bring you to tears. Your ability to feel intensely allows you to easily intuit and share in the emotions of others. However, this deep connection with the world around you can often bring pain and a sense of “feeling too much.” So, how can you avoid emotional burnout while safeguarding your empathic nature?
This journal offers empowering writing practices to help you gain a better understanding of your unique abilities, reflect on your relationships, learn to set boundaries, and explore your shadow self—the side of yourself that you may keep hidden from the world. You’ll find a safe space to work through emotions, process trauma, and connect with your inner child. Most importantly, you’ll embark on a journey to make the most of your gift through the simple act of writing.
Available on New Harbinger Publications, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and wherever books are sold.